abc360 Las Vegas

Visit us at the abc360 Conference in Las Vegas!

JCPS abc360

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 We are hitting the road March 20-22, 2018 for the abc360 Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada and we hope to see you there!



The abc360 Conference is the National Conference on Ambulance Revenue Cycle Management and Compliance. It is designed specifically for EMS Organizations, ambulance billing companies and others that have an interest in ambulance reimbursement and compliance issues. If you have not made plans to attend, you still have time to register!


JC Paratransit Solutions will be set up at the conference and ready to speak with you on March 20, 21, and 22, 2018 at the abc360 Conference at Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino in Las Vegas Nevada.


We will update our Facebook page with further details on where you can find us at the conference. We look forward to seeing you there!

JC Paratransit Outlined Logo

We provide clients with high-end vehicles designed to support and accommodate their special needs. In addition, we provide several amenities to the ambulance and paratransit industry which include medical equipment, consulting services, and customized software. 

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